1100 Waveraider Performance Modification

1100 Waveraider Performance Modification

02-26-2014, 03:11 PM

I'm building an engine up for my triple conversion for my wave blaster. I thought maybe you guys would be interested in the build and results. As you can see here, I’m just adding the J-B Weld to allow me to grind on the cases.


In this thread I am marking out the boost port as I am running a big taper on it, the taper helps throttle response a lot.
It's roughed out in the finial picture and will be finished when the cylinder is on.


From here, it's into the cases and roughing them out to get them to flow. The stock yami cases are such a terrible thing and need work to make them go,


If they said they could port your cylinder with the sleeves in they lied. You can't do a decent job with the sleeves in, its just not possible. Here I am measuring the port heights. This thing is an outboard engine and no wonder they don't have much power.


Well, here is the results from the port heights. As you can see the stock one is very lame. Actually, a 5mm stroker in this cylinder would be a very good thing. I however have a stock crank and it's going to be that. You can see where I am going to have to lift the ports to.



With the sleeves out you can really get in there and work on the transfer tunnels. You can see the taper I have put in the transfers now. I love having a sand blaster to tidy up the work afterwards. I also dropped the bridge in the divider to reduce some of the parasitic flow resistance of the divider.



The radial angles in this engine are all wrong and it's surprising it runs. It tries to shove all the fuel out the exhaust and then uses the boost port to help it push the rest out. It's not a well designed engine at all.
I burrowed the port diagram, was easy then drawing it out myself.


I pulled the exhaust apart and had a look at that, great pipe its already a full dry system that can be improved on.
I know someone has done it like this in the past, but I will be doing how its changed in this pic. Much better as the water goes in from the bottom and flows out the top. no bubbles and by restricting the flow i can get the exhaust to the temp I want to help over rev.